
Satan, You Lose!

Fearful, insecure, untrustworthy, devious, manipulative, thief, liar. That would pretty much describe the person that was Walter Matthews before July 1996. My days and nights revolved around how to get money to get high. Life—if you could call it that—had no meaning; I merely existed. From my late teens until 1996 (roughly twenty years), not

Looking Forward to the Man I’m Becoming

Being raised in the church, I knew of Jesus but didn’t have a personal relationship with Him. After years of self-destruction through alcohol and drugs, I found myself in a desperate situation where I was faced with the decision of choosing life as an addict and criminal, or salvation and freedom in Jesus. In February

The Best Decision I Ever Made

Hi, my name is Pam Davis. The first time I came to the New Life Dream Centers was in 2004. I wanted to change my life. I was tired of living a life of hell and torment. But after only a few days of being here, the enemy kept whispering to me—telling me I didn’t

Living Life for the First Time

Romans 8:12 says, “For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” Prior to coming to the New Life Dream Center for Men, I had no idea that this scripture existed, let alone the truth it

The One I Run To

Before coming to the New Life Dream Center, my life was in total disarray. At 14 years old I started to smoke cigarettes and marijuana. Then at 15 I was introduced to cocaine. From that time on I used everyday. I quit school and spent my days hanging out with friends and getting high. Then

20 Years Strong in Him

Almost 20 years ago, I came to Word of Life totally broken, captured by cocaine, sex… you name it. I entered the New Life Dream Women’s Center in 1990 and graduated in 1991. While in the Center, the Lord gave me a great job making more than ever before. But that was little compared to

Alive Because of Love

I had been a closet crack addict for almost 12 years. I was a single parent raising three children. I had a wonderful job making good money and was taking care of my family… I used all kinds of drugs and was always in control to stop or start when I wanted to. As I

The Night I Left Egypt

I am 53 years old and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. Although I felt the call of God on my life as young as 9 years old, I also felt the pull of the inner city streets and the influence of older peers and, at the age of 15, I began to experiment with alcohol

Returning to My Mother

I grew up saying “I never want to be like my mother.” (I had to learn the hard way that what I spoke out of my mouth would surely come to pass.) I was too blind to see she was doing the best she could, being a single parent with 4 children to raise. I

Almost Dead, Now Wondrously Alive

After 20 years of alcoholism and terribly disastrous life decisions I found myself alone and near physical death. I moved from California to Florida and that is where God chose to rescue me and bring me to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. By a miraculous move of God, I was brought to Word Of