
Empty No More

From the time I was 11 years old, I was very ambitious. With four brothers and three sisters, I felt the need to work and help out the family. Even though my father worked, that wasn’t enough for me. Throughout my life, no matter how much I accomplished, it was never enough. From high school

Almost Likely to Succeed

I was the guy everybody thought would be successful in life. I was always an honor student in school. My plan was to go to college and become a physical therapist. Even then, I had a good job making a nice salary. In my first year or two of school I had a 3.9 grade

A House Built On Sand Gets a Solid Foundation

Today I stand a new creation; no longer the man I used to be. I was a man that was lost, in bondage to my own selfish desires, walking in rebellion to the perfect destiny God had for me. Like the house built on sand, my life fell drastically when I was at what seemed

Poor Choices Led Me to an Abundant Life

I came to the New Life Dream Center for Women broken, abandoned and very depressed. I also came as a born-again Christian. How confusing is that? The circumstances that brought me to the New Life Dream Centers (a failed marriage, the pain of rejection, prescription drug dependency) all came from my poor choices and Satan.

A Father Returns Home

I came to the New Life Dream Center from Sing Sing prison in 1984. My family was involved in a lot of wrong things, so when I was released, I didn’t want to go back there. Mike Marschean, the prison chaplain, got me a place in the . While I