A House Built On Sand Gets a Solid Foundation

A House Built On Sand Gets a Solid Foundation

Today I stand a new creation; no longer the man I used to be.

I was a man that was lost, in bondage to my own selfish desires, walking in rebellion to the perfect destiny God had for me. Like the house built on sand, my life fell drastically when I was at what seemed to be the very top. And unlike the house which fell and hit the sandy ground it was built on, I did not stop falling but continued to fall deeper and deeper into sin and rebellion; my heart hardening more and more to the point where I had given up all hope of ever changing. But God!

During those lonely nights, high on cocaine and alcohol, chaotically pursuing the fulfillment of the lusts of the flesh I would call out to Jesus from a cold and empty heart. He heard me and led me to a Spiritual Warfare conference at Word of Life Church. That night during the service, I was convicted for the sinful life I was living. As the conviction set in, a window of hope opened. I literally ran to the altar as Pastor Anastasi made the call for anyone who needed freedom. At the altar I was truly delivered. I fell to my knees and began to speak in tongues as I cried out to the Lord and received Him into my heart.

Four days later I entered the New Life Dream Center for Men. Over the 18 months in the program I was taught how to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and how to live each and every day in His strength. I went through extensive prayer counseling, attended the History Makers School of Ministry and was mentored and trained up by the most amazing and faithful men of God I know. They poured into me every day, called me to a higher walk with the Lord and held me accountable to the Word of God. I sat under the preaching of the Word of God week after week and grew more and more into the image of Jesus Christ.

As a staff member of the New Life Dream Center for Men, I continue to give my life so that others may come to know the love of Jesus Christ. Since completing the program I have continued to press in and seek the Lord and His will for my life. Because of the life changing experience of completing the program, I have been able to, not only stand each and every day, but to also be used mightily by theLord to advance His Kingdom.

Not a day goes by that I don’t personally see someone either saved, physically healed, delivered from bondage or filled with the Holy Spirit. I have been taught, empowered and equipped to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ here on the earth.

Mark W., 2007 Graduate